BBA Foundation
BBA Foundation
The BBA Foundation was established in 1988 as a non-profit corporation that fosters business growth and educational advancement in the greater Birmingham region. The Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service, and it supports its mission through grant programs and corporate contributions. Supplier Scale and Magic City HBCU Breakfast are two examples of programs and events supported by the Foundation.
Supplier Scale
Supplier Scale is an initiative of our Small Business program. Every August, we look to identify 20 eligible small businesses that are based in Jefferson County to participate in a free 12-week intensive program that is designed to help grow small businesses.
Magic City HBCU Breakfast
Every October, we host a breakfast program that emphasizes the essential collaboration between the business community and Alabama’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). A portion of the proceeds benefit the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).