The Magic City shines bright with various accolades this week

Baseball fans across the nation cast their vote to help decide which baseball stadium would win the “Best of Ballparks” competition, presented by Ballpark Digest. Regions Field was awarded Double-A honors in the Southern, Texas and Eastern leagues for the second year in a row – a finalist this year, a winner in 2015. The ballpark opened its doors for the first time on April 10, 2013. Since that time, Regions Field continually shines in the hearts of fans.


Additionally, Forbes magazine named the Magic City a Top 10 City for Employee Engagement. According to Forbes, the city has a growing business dynamic with a focus on company culture that has increased enthusiasm in employees. The Forbes’ accolades don’t just paint the city as a location for all work and no play. The publication also listed Birmingham as one of the 20 Best Cities for Summer Travel. The rankings are based on a destination’s affordability and appeal. Tourists looking for a unique retreat are encouraged to visit the historic Civil Rights District and the countless restaurants in Birmingham that will get your taste buds rocking.

The city also received a boost in the home buying sector. ranked Birmingham tenth on their “Best Places for First Time Home Buyers” list based on median home values, affordability, inventory and cash buyer competition.

“These accolades are an important component of our image enhancement and marketing of the Birmingham region,” said Brian Hilson, president and CEO of the Birmingham Business Alliance. “It’s validation from reputable third-party sources, like Forbes, that Birmingham is headed in the right direction, and that we will be seen by companies and consultants from across the globe.”

Birmingham has been featured on several other rankings this year highlighting the city: