Request For Proposal | Life Science Industry Study

bba seeking proposals for life science industry study - submissions due November 4, 2022

The Birmingham Business Alliance Foundation, in partnership with the Jefferson County and Shelby County Commissions, was awarded a $450,000 grant through The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) Disaster Recovery Program to conduct a project to identify key life science assets, as well as opportunities for growth and investment; identify opportunities for existing life science businesses to grow capacity; and identify opportunities for economic developers and communities to attract life science businesses within the Birmingham Region.

The Birmingham Business Alliance Foundation is seeking proposals for a consultant to conduct a life science market intelligence study, perception study and implementation plan for the Greater Birmingham, Alabama Region to accomplish the project goals. Additional details of the project can be found in the attached Request for Proposal which is open for submission until November 4, 2022.

Questions not answered in the form below can be sent to Jacqueline Chandler at

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