Investing in the Next Generation of Leaders

We all know it’s important to grow healthy, engaged teams with high talent density and work ethic, but you’re also creating the future leaders of your organizations. TeamUP can prepare you to make decisions that set those future leaders up for success, and teach you how to work well with every member of your team.

Today’s workforce spans more generations than any workforce in the history of our country. Five generations make up our teams: the Silent Generation (1928-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-1980), Millennials (1981-1996), and Gen Z (1997-2012). As organizations grow they pass along knowledge and leadership skills to younger generations that will one day themselves lead.

How do we engage each of these generational groups in ways that appeal to how they work and learn most effectively? It requires a tailored approach, understanding how each generation works best and engaging those team members in productive ways.

This is one of the focuses of BBA’s TeamUP workshops, and the coaching sessions that will take place one-on-one with cohort members.

Millennials currently represent 35% of the active workforce, making them the largest generation in the US labor force. At the same time, Gen Z is beginning to enter the workforce for the first time.

Millennials and Gen Z will be the future of today’s organizations (if they aren’t already). It’s important to understand that fact in order to plan and build your teams to set yourself up for success.

One example that separates Millennials and Gen Z from older generations is their desire for feedback and transparency from their managers and colleagues. Therefore, it can be helpful to be as open as you can about the inner workings of your business. Your direct reports should understand what’s driving your decisions as a leader and what part their contributions play in the larger organizational strategy.

TeamUP will teach you skills like this to build your teams more effectively. Only a few spots remain, so apply now before you miss out!