Birmingham No. 4 best city for job seekers


Birmingham was named one of Indeed’s top five cities for job seekers in 2019.

The worldwide employment-related search engine named the Magic City No. 4 on its list, chosen for being a city where job seekers face the least competition for jobs, command the highest salaries, work at the highest-rated companies and face a low likelihood of unemployment.

Here are some other reasons, according to Indeed, why Birmingham ranked so high:

  • Adjusted salary, likely due to Birmingham’s affordable housing prices and low cost of living.

  • Birmingham’s emergence as a health care hub – 8.6 percent of citizens have jobs in the sector, above the national average of 6 percent.

  • The two biggest health care construction companies – Brasfield & Gorrie and Robins & Morton – are headquartered in Birmingham, as well as one of the U.S.’s top-rated hospitals at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

  • Birmingham scored a perfect 100 for its salaries, signifying there’s nowhere a dollar stretches further than the Magic City.

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