
Arbor Day 2022

Happy Arbor Day! This year is the 150th anniversary of the first Arbor Day Celebration in the United States.

Most holidays celebrate something that has already happened and is worth remembering, Arbor Day represents a hope for the future. The simple act of planting a tree represents a belief that the tree will grow to provide us with clean air and water, cooling shade, habitat for wildlife, healthier communities, and endless natural beauty — all for a better tomorrow.

The Tree City USA Program was created by the Arbor Day Foundation in 1976. The program is comprised of over 3000 communities across the United States. To be a member means that communities must prioritize urban forestry.

Birmingham has been a Tree City USA for 28 years and has always been committed to keeping our city green. Our region’s focus on sustainability isn’t just good for our planet, it’s good for our business community too. As so many industries transition towards more sustainable practices, Birmingham has positioned itself as a home for the future of manufacturing, technology and bioscience.

You can celebrate Arbor Day all over Birmingham by visiting one of our region’s many parks and nature preserves, like Railroad Park, Oak Mountain State Park, Ruffner Mountain, Red Mountain Park, and more! Plus, you can always plant a tree for future generations to enjoy. Happy Arbor Day!