Birmingham No. 4 best city for job seekers

Birmingham was named one of Indeed’s top five cities for job seekers in 2019.

The worldwide employment-related search engine named the Magic City No. 4 on its list, chosen for being a city where job seekers face the least competition for jobs, command the highest salaries, work at the highest-rated companies and face a low likelihood of unemployment.

New and expanding: At 25, Infomedia moves downtown, adds employees

Birmingham-based full-service web company Infomedia Inc. has moved its headquarters downtown.

The company, which supports over 600 websites and turns 25 this year, marked its quarter-century with a move last month from Vestavia Hills to 2717 Third Avenue South in Birmingham’s design district near Pepper Place. Infomedia is also adding four jobs this year in areas ranging from web developer to videographer to strategist.

Additionally, Infomedia has moved its spinoff marketing company, Uptick Marketing, which it acquired in 2014, into the same space as its parent company, consolidating 26 employees into the new 5,000-square-foot space.

New law will allow companies to better utilize Birmingham’s IDB

Governor Kay Ivey recently signed into law legislation that will encourage economic and industrial development within the region and will result in the creation of jobs.

HB 396, sponsored by Representative Rod Scott of the Jefferson County delegation, allows Birmingham’s Industrial Development Board (IDB) to charge a small administrative fee to companies applying for tax abatements – on a rolling scale and determined by capital investment of the project.

Small business lifeblood of Birmingham’s economy, Dolphin says

Tené Dolphin’s daily focus is making Birmingham a small business-centered city.

Dolphin, the deputy director for business diversity and opportunity at the City of Birmingham, spoke last week at the Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA)’s Birmingham Regional Enterprise Council (BREC), comprised of mostly small business owners, about the ongoing work the City is doing to back small businesses.

Tech companies could get boost with Alabama Incentives Modernization Act

Legislation that will aid in the recruitment of tech companies to urban areas in Alabama has been signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey.

HB 540, also known as the Alabama Incentives Modernization Act (AIMA), was strongly supported by the Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA). The legislation was introduced by Representative Bill Poole (R-Tuscaloosa) and is an update of the Alabama Jobs Act and the Growing Alabama Act Income Tax Credit, both of which were set to expire soon.

Best practices: Central Six AlabamaWorks! launches IT apprenticeship program with major national grant

As Birmingham’s need for information technology (IT) talent grows, Central Six AlabamaWorks! is launching the first officially registered consortium-style software development apprenticeship program in the state this week, thanks to $150,000 in funding from the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation. Central Six is a provider of workforce services for the Birmingham region.

May 30 BREC to focus on Birmingham’s small business efforts

Birmingham’s thirst and energy to develop and support small businesses is what drew Tené Dolphin to the city after 30 years in Washington, D.C.

But there is still work to be done, she said.

Dolphin, the deputy director for business diversity and opportunity at the City of Birmingham, will speak to the Birmingham Regional Enterprise Council (BREC), comprised of mostly small business owners, at 11:30 a.m. on May 30 at the Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA) about the ongoing work her office is doing to back small businesses.

Numerous bills in Legislature could affect state's quality of life

If you know Birmingham, you know it’s a first-rate place to live, work and play.  At the Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA), our chief goal is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of the Birmingham seven-county region, and that includes doing so through the public policy arena. Here are some bills that the BBA is watching that pertain to quality of life and, if enacted, will enhance our economic development and talent attraction efforts.